Sunday, January 1, 2012

Short road trip

I met my dear friend Emily at Gabrielle's preschool in Lawton, OK. She was a preschool teacher there, saw her a lot, then the girls were on the same basketball team. We started talking around Christmas time and hit it off. I moved to Fort Lee, VA, she got married and moved to Germany. Then we got orders to Germany and we are now only about 2 hours and 15 mins from each other, and its a quick drive! They have come and seen us twice now in 3 months, so we thought it was fair we loaded up the crew and headed their way :)

We got there very late on Thursday night, well Friday morning. Went to bed very late and got woken up by 2 screaming girls who were excited that it SNOWED!! The 3 kids got bundled up and played outside in the snow, making snow angels, snowmen, and snowballs. After they were done they needed some hot cocoa to warm them up!

We went to an indoor play place, called Jola where the kids had a great time, we spent all
afternoon there playing and eating french fries :)

We had a great time and little sleep. It was nice to be able to smile, laugh, and relax with some awesome friends. Wish they lived closer though.


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