Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pinterest Saves the day!

I have a new obsession and it is Pinterest! If you have not checked it out, please do. Talk to me and I will send you an invite to join! It is where I have got all my recipes for snacks, treats, and meals! Also crafts for my kids, projects for me, and awesome quotes. The list goes on and on and it is a good addiction to have I think :) Just wish we had a Hobby Lobby to help me get all of these ideas done, that I want to get done :( The kids did not have school one Friday so we stayed home, had PJ (pajama day) day and rolled with the punches!

Every meal we have been having a heaping portion of fruit and we all love it! Here is Gabrielle's with 2 strawberries in her mouth, acting like a chipmunk!

Logan signing "more" at dinner.
Logan is getting so good at using his sign language. I need to do some more studying and learn more signs. He is very good at "more" and "please" anytime he wants something he will do "more" and "please" OVER and over again. It is super cute. :)

My Kaiden boy, showing up his sister, being a chipmunk :)

Now onto wonderful Pinterest ideas!
Did you know that after you use a green onion save the white part and put it in water and it GROWS again! I just did this and they were all over the place. I cut them up and put them in a dried water bottle, then put them in the freezer. Another Pinterest idea! So, when I need green onions again, I open the freezer door grab the bottle and pour into my pan and cook away! Who knew?!

Growing up, my Grandma Burnett always made homemade chicken and noodles. I helped her a lot, but I was too young to remember how to do it or probably even to write well enough. Also, to young to think that one day, I will be a wife and a mom and want to share recipes with my family. Now that, that time has come I wish I would of thought about me growing older and wanting recipes from people that are no longer here. My grandma made the BEST Christmas candy, which I have no recipes for either. Back to her chicken noodles, hers were SO thin and just amazing. Well I looked on pinterest (because they do not have frozen noodles like these here, and people have looked at me like I was nuts, when I asked about them), I found some. Made them and tried to roll them out as thin as I could. Well, going to a new class at the gym the day before was not a good idea. I could not roll them any thiner, they looked fine to me. Till I cooked them, they blew up. I am not a fan of thick noodles at all. My Grandma probably rolled her eyes and gave me some colorful words as she saw me make these. :) I then got the recipe from one of her sons, my Uncle Don. Next time I will be following her recipe, and making my strong husband roll out the noodles, thin, the way they are supposed to be! The family did enjoy my chicken noodle soup though, there were no complaints there!

Not a pinterest idea, but this was done the day the kids had no school. They got almost every blanket out known to man in our house. Cleared the table and made a tent/fort! They made sure there was no light sneaking in and had a blast giggling and playing under the table. I enjoyed hearing their giggles :)

They are such good friends, and I pray they stay this way!

The other pinterest idea, was painting on Canvas with toliet paper rolls! I cut them in half and put paint on paper plates.
Each color had its own designated roll, (OCD on my part, maybe?).

Gabrielle is very much into art, coloring, drawing, and writing right now. This was right up her alley.

Their finished products with names, circles, and a painting of themselves! <3 them babies!
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